ADAMTS-13, also known as von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Cleavage protease, is one of the largest members of the ADAMTS-family 1–3. ADAMTS-13 is synthesized primarily in the liver, but variable expression has also been observed in other tissues and cell types, such as endothelial cells 1,4.
ADAMTS-13 specifically cleaves highly multimeric vWF 4. Due to ADAMTS-13 deficiency, the ultra-large vWF multimers can accumulate in plasma and thereby induce platelet clumping and the formation of microthrombi that disturb the microcirculation, leading to an impairment of the oxygen supply to organs 5.
ADAMTS-13 deficiency is caused by mutations in the ADAMTS13-gene or by inhibitory autoantibodies and it may result in the development of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TTP is a rare, but life-threatening, disease 6. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is mandatory.
Decreased plasma ADAMTS13:Ag was found to be associated with an increased risk of future VTE. In addition, an increased VWF/ADAMTS13 ratio displayed a linear association with VTE risk7.

The 5-Diagnostics’ 5-ELISA ADAMTS-13 Antigen one-step protocol is performed in 65 minutes!
A longer (125 minutes) two-step protocol is available for more sensitive measurements.
5-ELISA ADAMTS-13 is a sandwich ELISA designed with polyclonal antibodies. It contains 12 x 8 well coated strips and comes with prediluted calibrators for ease of use.
- Levy GG, Motto DG, Ginsburg D. ADAMTS13 turns 3. Blood. 1 juli 2005;106(1):11–7
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- Favaloro EJ, Pasalic L, Henry B, Lippi G. Laboratory testing for ADAMTS13 : Utility for TTP diagnosis/exclusion and beyond. Am J Hematol. augustus 2021;96(8):1049–55.
- Wojta J. What ADAMTS13 does in the liver…. Thromb Haemost. 2017;117(01):06–06.
- Schwameis M, Schörgenhofer C, Assinger A, Steiner MM, Jilma B. VWF excess and ADAMTS13 deficiency: a unifying pathomechanism linking inflammation to thrombosis in DIC, malaria, and TTP. Thromb Haemost. juli 2015;113(04):708–18.
- Geys L, Bauters D, Roose E, Tersteeg C, Vanhoorelbeke K, Hoylaerts MF, e.a. ADAMTS13 deficiency promotes microthrombosis in a murine model of diet-induced liver steatosis. Thromb Haemost. 2017;117(01):19–26.
- Edvardsen MS, Hansen E-S, Ueland T, Aukrust P, Brækkan SK, Morelli VM, Hansen J-B. Impact of the von Willebrand factor-ADAM-TS13 axis on the risk of future venous thromboembolism.J Thromb Haemost. 2023;▪:1–11