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Factor VIII

Assay overview

Nodia offers a broad range of Factor VIII and anti-Factor VIII assays and research tools for both clinical and pharmaceutical applications. Find out more about our tests on this Factor VIII specific page. 

- Chromogenic FVIII assay -


Chromogenic FVIII methods have been available for a very long time. For many applications they are the preferred method. The limited stability of the reagents was the main reason for not applying them in clinical routine. The chromogenic method did become the reference method for quality control of Factor VIII concentrates.

The Biophen Factor VIII makes, due to its excellent stability, the chromogenic technique now also applicable for clinical routine.
For the follow-up of the treatment of haemophiliacs with recombinant and modified factor VIII concentrates, Biophen Factor VIII even became first choice.

The use of purified human factors in the reagents of Biophen Factor VIII mimics the in vivo situation closely and makes the test sensitive for all new haemophilia treatments including the follow-up of patients treated with Emicizumab.

CE marked applications for normal and low range are available for all common coagulation analyzers.

NODIA's choice

Recommended product for your FVIII testing



Emicizumab can be monitored with the BIOPHEN Factor VIII:C kit. No modification of the instrument application is needed. Emicizumab can be tested under the same condition as FVIII in the plasma. A calibration curve covers a range from 0 to 100 µg/ml Emicizumab.


Reaction principle

Major Features

  • CE-IVD applications on all major analyzers
  • 3Special buffer results in a better recovery of all variants of the FVIII-molecule.
  • Based on purified human factors
  • Stability of the reagents makes routine application feasible:
  • 72h at 2-8
  • 24h at room temperature
  • 2 months at -20oC or lower

- Chromogenic FVIII assay with bovine FX-


In exceptional cases, there may be a need for a test that is not sensitive to the bispecific antibodies so that a distinction can be made between the artificial and real Factor VIII. By replacing human Factor X in the original BIOPHEN™ FVIII:C kit with a bovine Factor X, it no longer reacts with the humanised bispecific antibodies.

The new BIOPHEN™ FVIII Variant with bovine FX kit is now available for these applications.

The bovine factor X in the BIOPHEN™ FVIII variant kit seems to be more sensitive for activation at low FVIII levels than human Factor X. The variant kit may therefore also have an application for the for diagnosis of severe haemophilia A.

CE marked applications  are available for all common coagulation analyzers

Recommended product for testing without interference of bispecific antibody such as Emicizumab

Reaction principle

Major Features

  • CE-IVD applications on all major analyzers
  • Based on the original BIOPHEN FVIII:C  but using a Bovin Factor X
  • Recommended product for testing without interference of bispecific antibody such as Emicizumab
  • Stability of the reagents makes routine application feasible:
  • 72h at 2-8
  • 24h at room temperature
  • 2 months at -20oC or lower

Applicability of the BIOPHEN FVIII kits

Factor X reagent source
Severe haemophilia A
Tests for FVIII-autoantibodies
2.Replacement therapy
Purified FVIII
Recombinant proteins
Extended Half-life products
3.Treatment with Bispecific antibodies (AB) such as Emicizumab
Follow-up on AB-activity
Patients native FVIII
Tests for FVIII-autoantibodies

Not applicable
Routine Application
Best choice

Factor VIII Inhibitor and Deficient plasma

Factor VIII inhibitor plasma products

Factor VIII deficient plasma products

Factor VIII:C Deficient Plasma can be used for the quantitative determination of Factor VIII:C (FVIII:C) activity in human citrated plasma using a clotting assay.

It can also be used to dilute FVIII in plasma to a desired concentration for e.g. the calibration of a low measuring range in the chromogen FVIII determination.

Factor VIII antibodies

- Detection of Human Anti-Factor VIII antibodies -
(Available on request)


All products in the ZYMUTEST™ product line are enzyme immuno-assay (ELISA).

The ZYMUTEST™ Anti-FVIII IgG monostrip was developed as a diagnostic aid for the detection and quantification of antibodies to FVIII in plasma from haemophiliac A patients and patients who developed autoimmune FVIII inhibitors.

Major Features

  • High correlation between FVIII antibodies measured with Zymutest™ Anti-FVIII IgG monostrip and Bethesda Units.
  • No interference of Non Neutralizing anti-FVIII Antibodies.
  • Excellent reproducibility.
  • Elisa technique, no special training needed.
  • Can be used for the follow-up of Anti-FVIII IgG in patients treated with or without special caution.
  • Available in Monostrip format for individual patient testing.

Reaction principle

Product overview

ReferenceProduct namePackagingCategoriesManufacturer
221402BIOPHEN™ Chromogenic Factor VIII – small2 x 50 testsChromogenic AssayHYPHEN BioMed
221406BIOPHEN™ Chromogenic Factor VIII – large2 x 120 testsChromogenic AssayHYPHEN BioMed
RK039AZYMUTEST™ Anti-Factor VIII IgG monostrip4 x 8 testsELISAHYPHEN BioMed
223201BIOPHEN™ Normal Control Plasma12 x 1mlControlsHYPHEN BioMed
223301BIOPHEN™ Abnormal Control Plasma12 x 1mlControlsHYPHEN BioMed
222101BIOPHEN™ Plasma Calibrator 12 x 1mlCalibratorHYPHEN BioMed
DP040AFactor VIII Deficient Plasma – small1mlDeficient PlasmaHYPHEN BioMed
DP040KFactor VIII Deficient Plasma – large6 x 1mlDeficient PlasmaHYPHEN BioMed
5D-47119FHuman Factor VIII Inhibitor Plasma, Mild, Frozen1mLInhibitor Plasma5-Diagnostics
5D-47119LHuman Factor VIII Inhibitor Plasma, Mild, Lyophilized1mLInhibitor Plasma5-Diagnostics
5D-48119FHuman Factor VIII Inhibitor Plasma, Moderate, Frozen1mLInhibitor Plasma5-Diagnostics
5D-48119LHuman Factor VIII Inhibitor Plasma, Moderate, Lyophilized1mLInhibitor Plasma5-Diagnostics
5D-49119FHuman Factor VIII Inhibitor Plasma, Severe, Frozen1mLInhibitor Plasma5-Diagnostics
5D-49119LHuman Factor VIII Inhibitor Plasma, Severe, Lyophilized1mLInhibitor Plasma5-Diagnostics
5D-10119SAnti-human Factor VIII:C, Sheep, Purified IgG10mgAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-10120SAnti-canine Factor VIII:C, Sheep, Purified IgG5mgAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-11119SAnti-human Factor VIII:C, Sheep, Affinity Purified IgG0.5mgAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-12119SAnti-human Factor VIII:C, Sheep, HRP conjugated IgG0.2mgAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-12120SAnti-canine Factor VIII:C, Sheep, HRP conjugated IgG0.2mgAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-16119SAnti-human Factor VIII, Sheep, Affinity Purified FITC Conjugated IgG0.1mgAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-17119SAnti-human Factor VIII, Sheep, Affinity Purified Biotinylated IgG
5D-181195-EIA Anti-human Factor VIII, Matched Pair Antibodies4 platesAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-181205-EIA Anti-canine Factor VIII, Matched Pair Antibodies4 platesAntibodies5-Diagnostics
5D-181285-EIA Anti-human Factor XIII, Matched Pair Antibodies5 platesAntibodies5-Diagnostics